All the children enjoyed taking part in our special Easter day this week.
The focus of the day was on telling the Easter story and completing activities linked to each part of story- Palm Sunday, The Last supper, Jesus praying in the garden, Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
The children enjoyed making their own palm leaves and visiting St Stephen Church where Reverend Sally told the children the story of Palm Sunday and we sang a song whilst waving our palm leaves.
Each year then looked at the famous picture of The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci and had a go at creating their own Last Supper picture.
Each year group also thought about prayer and something we may want to pray for at the moment. Each child wrote their own prayer on a leaf and we have displayed our prayers in the hall.
We ended the day by thinking about Good Friday and Easter Sunday and why Christians celebrate Easter. The children either drew their own eggs or decorated an egg thinking about what the egg represents and how it can remind us of the Easter story.
The children enjoyed sharing their wonderful pictures and eggs with other year groups during assembly.