Children in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 can have a school lunch at no cost to their parents. Pupils do not need to be registered for this - parents just need to order lunches on the three week menus available from the school office, the website or the children's book bags. This scheme is known as Universal Free School Meals (or UFSM)

Children in other school years may also be eligible for free school meals (FSM) if their parent is receiving qualifying welfare benefits. Pupils who qualify for FSM also qualify for a Pupil Premium Grant (PPG). This is (currently) an extra £1,300 for the school to use to fund valuable support like extra tuition, additional teaching staff or after school activities.   This additional money is available from central government for every child whose parent is receiving one of the qualifying welfare benefits, but only is the parents register.. It is therefore important that eligible families sign up for free school meals, even if their child is in Foundation, Year 1 or Year 2, i.e. a year group that receives Universal Free School Meals. 

To check your eligibility please use the following link:

The Pupil Premium is funding allocated to schools for the specific purpose of boosting the attainment of pupils from low-income families. You can read our latest funding statement here.

Funding is based on children who have been registered for free school meals at any time in the last 6 years, further reinforcing the importance of making sure all those who qualify are actually registered. Even if you (or your child) don't want to receive free school meals on a regular basis, there may be other educational benefits for them through the Pupil Premium. Your child(ren) can have a free school meal any day they choose. Taking up free school meals has many benefits:
your child(ren) will benefit from a eating a free healthy nutritious meal and families could be saving more than £400 per child per year,

Schools also benefit directly by receiving money from the government. The government pays schools £1,300 for every primary child and £935 for every secondary child who registers for free school meals plus additional funding through the schools' budget. This means there may be help available for you with the cost residential school trips, travel costs to school, or help with school uniform costs.


(paper copies are available from the school office).  Please refer to this when ordering on line as some options are only available on certain days


Online Payments System

We are delighted to welcome you to the Trinity St Stephen On-Line payment system. This system allows you to make web based payments to Caterlink for school lunches. Payments will show as Caterlink Ltd on your statements, and the money goes direct to Caterlink Limited (registered offices at 300 Thames Valely Park Drive, Reading, RG6 1PT)

To register: You should receive, or can request from the school office, a letter detailing your user name and password. These will be different for every child, so if you have two children you will receive two different letters. The letter gives instructions on how to create an account for online payements. You only need one account. (Please note that the account is created using a user name provided in the letter, but after that you will use your email address to log in) The web site address is

A guide to the Accessing the School Dinner Calendar can be down loaded here. To check the balance, and what orders have been registered, click on the [School Dinners Calendar}.

Further details about the full scheme are available from the Online Payment guide which can be down loaded here.

If you have any problems or queries please contact the school office on 01753 862540.


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