Trinity St Stephen Church of England First School was inspected in March 2024.

Click [here] to see the school's report

SIAMS is the statutory inspection of Church of England and Methodist schools. Inspections take place approximately every five years. The SIAMS inspection schedule  is a national set of criteria, produced by the Church of England Education Office. The revised schedule is based on the Church of England's vision for education, ‘Deeply Christian, serving the Common Good’ (2016) 

Schools are judged on the effectiveness of their Christian vision. This means how the vision is lived out to ensure pupils and adults flourish. 

The Evaluation Schedule has one inspection question: How effective is the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?


© Copyright 2016–2025 Trinity St Stephen Church of England (Voluntary Aided) First School

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