We had a fantastic book week with a wide range of fun activities throughout the week! 

The week kicked off with a whole school assembly and Year 3 and 4 enjoyed a Shakespeare workshop. During the week we had 'buddy' reading sessions (where 'buddies' from different classes shared a book with each other, class reading sessions, and even a teacher swap, where teachers were able to share a favourite book with a different class. 

Each class also planned their own book related activities, rocket making, bookmark making, book reviews, book scavenger hunts and 'Gruffalo' biscuits are just a few examples. 

The week culminated on Friday with our fantastic dress up day, and 'The Big Book Swap' where every child in the school was able to go and choose a new to them book to take home and keep.  Many thanks for all the effort that went into costume making and to those who made book donations. These things made a huge contribution to the success of the week. Congratulations again to the winning costumes!

book week 2025