Year 3 have been writing Olympic Games shape poems in English this week. We started the week writing a shape poem on canoe slalom. On Tuesday, we explored poems that use comparative adjectives with the er suffix and then learnt the rules for adding this suffix. Using comparative adjectives on Wednesday, we wrote poems on a range of Olympic sports each in the shape of the Olympic Rings. 

In History, we reenacted our own version of the Ancient Greek Olympic Games. The girls were happy to become men for the afternoon as women were not allowed to compete or even watch in Ancient Greek times! We had plenty of winners and celebrated this by awarding a wreath of leaves in a ceremony at the end. After learning about the similarities and differences between the Ancient Greek Olympics and the Olympics today, we worked in pairs and some individually to show our learning using a Venn Diagram.

In Geography, we explored the countries and continents of host Olympic cities and used atlases and maps to locate these. Linking History and Geography, we also discovered that, although the Summer Olympics take place every 4 years, some years this did not happen and we explored the reasons why. 

We have had a wonderful week and are now experts on all aspects of the Olympic Games!

17 July The Olympics Year 3