The children started Book Week with a visit from the Young Shakespeare Company who put on an amazing performance of Hamlet. The children laughed, screamed and even got to act and perform with the actors. After watching the play, in groups the children wrote about the different characters from the play – describing their family, their personalities and their role in the story. We also researched and wrote fact files about William Shakespeare.
In Maths, the children have been working on dividing a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number using place value counters and drawing pictures to help them.
In Art, we finished off our clay models of ‘Nature’. We are very pleased with the results and think they look amazing all photographed together.
In Science, we have been learning about digestion and what happens to food when we eat it. The children enjoyed cutting out all the different parts of the digestive system, labelling them and understanding their different roles.
In Computing, the children have just begun learning LOGO which is a text-based coding language used to control an on screen turtle to create mathematical patterns. The children had to input instructions to make the turtle draw the letters of the alphabet.
In History, we have started learning about the Anglo-Saxons and we looked at what an Anglo-Saxon village looked like and drew and labelled pictures of a village.
We finished the week, with the children coming to school dressed up as their favourite book character – they all looked amazing!