This week in Y3 we have been learning about Shakespeare through our work on Report writing. Not only have we learnt who Shakespeare is and about his legacy, but we have also become excellent at taking notes from non -fiction texts. We are very proud of our work.

In maths we have been consolidating our skills in column addition and subtraction; keen to practice further and put our skills to use in problem solving.

Physically active, we have enjoyed our weekly swimming lesson at the leisure centre, a basketball skills lesson and learning the Haka dance in our ‘Healthy Minds’ session.

Throughout the week we have been learning 2 of the songs for the Hexagon Concert later in the year. We have made a very enthusiastic start practising ‘The ‘Muppet Show Theme’ and ‘Food Glorious Food’ and can’t wait to learn the rest of the songs.

In Science we have been looking at push and pull forces where the children got a chance to act out some actions to help them decide which force was being used.

Year 3 are lucky to receive music lessons from Berkshire Maestros and have been enjoying learning the names of new notes and how to play them on their pbones.

Year 3 blog