Year 2 have been very busy all week learning lots of new things and working very hard!

In English, we have just started to look at the Katie Morag stories. The children have been thinking about what happens in the story of Katie Morag and the Two Grandmothers.

In Maths, we have been working hard on multiplication and division. This week, we have focussed on doubling and halving and seeing how this links to our 2 times table.

In Geography, we have been exploring aerial pictures. The children have looked at aerial pictures, what they are and considered how the pictures might have been taken. They particularly enjoyed looking at an aerial photo of a tropical island and using their senses to explore it.

Year 2 love art and it is often the highlight of our week! We have been working together to create a Little Red Riding Hood display. We worked in pairs to create characters and animals to go on the display. We wrote our own versions of Little Red Riding Hood in English and we even created the letters for the display as well. We are very proud of our display and hope you like it too!  


Year 2 Blog